How To Delete Power Plans
When your car breaks does it happen when you’re going down the highway or when you try to start it in the morning? Most of the time, it will be when you try to start it. It’s the same story with anything that has a moving part including hard drives. I agree with keeping them spinning if you have a computer that is always on.I hadn’t thought of it until I read this post, but I think it’s a good idea. Unfortunately, I have a raid array that I would like to keep spinning but I also have an eSata Probox with 4 drives that I use for backups, and I wouldn’t want them spinning all the time. As far as I know, it’s all or nothing. If anyone knows a way to change the power plan per drive or per volume, please do let me know.
Create Power Plan Windows 10
How To Delete Created Power Plans
In the Power Options window, click “Change plan settings” next to a plan–like the Balanced plan, for example–and then select “Change advanced power settings.” The drop-down box at the top of this window lets you switch between power plans, so you can see exactly which settings are different between plans. A power plan is a collection of hardware and system settings that manages how computers use and conserve power. By default, Windows 10 includes three built-in power plans: Balanced, Power Saver, and High Performance. This tutorial will show you how to delete a power plan on your.