
Hytera Model Settings Do Not Match

  1. Hytera Cps Password

I have read several of your posts regarding the Hytera TD580 - I too, have purchased one and am having similar issues trying to program the unit. I appreciate your Chinese version CPS link! My issue is that I cannot get the CPS to read the radio - I have several Hytera radios but this version has a USB choice field of serial ports. I have the correct cable PC76 - The computer recognizes the radio attempting to connect but I get an error message saying the correct driver is not installed.

I am trying to program the Hytera PD502 using the CPS version. 'Model Settings does not match.' Does anyone give me some advise on what needs to be done? Do I have the wrong CPS? Post Posted March 14th 2019, 6:48 PM #177144. Try version cpsV6.01.01.006. 1 guest and 0 members have just viewed this. Linetype Scale between Model & Paper Space The problem that I am running into is that the linetype scale does not match up between Model and Paper Space. I set ltscale to.75 so that I didn't have to have instruments that far away from each other for the Electrical signal line to show it being dashed.

Hytera Cps Password


What version of the Hytera USB driver do I need? I am using Windows 10.

Please advise. Thank you for your help.meed2018.

I have a data frame of about 500 rows and 170 columns. I am attempting to run a classification model with svm from the e1071 package. The classification variable is called 'SEGMENT', a factor variable with 6 levels. There are three other factor variables in the data frame, and the rest are numeric.