
Stainless Steel Teutonic Order

EDB file in your SS6. Use the correct version if RR is enabled or disabled. Download Link.Gameplay Info: - After this you can train recruit them properly from selected settlements for HRE but after Teutonic order emerges you can't train them you can still build the chapter house to get the bonus it offers though.

Mafia 3 xbox one mods. It's about time we had another Stainless Steel discussion methinks, probably the best and most popular Medieval 2 mod.I haven't actually downloaded the new 1.4 patch as I don't like the sound of some of the changes.I've only just started a campaign as England, striking up into Scotland first of course, but I'm forced to give them a respite or face excommunication. The French have expelled me from their shores after two nail biting defenses of the wooden Castle at Caen.There is currently a Crusade on for Jerusalem as the Crusader States lost it to a Jihad. The area looks pretty intimidating though with one Fatimid and one Turkish stack camping in it's back yard.

Still, I sail a fleet of pilgrims, spearmen and basic archers toward the Holy Land but I'll probably need to pick up some decent Mercenaries when I get there so long as they're not too costly.Interestingly the Moors have just taken Sicily and Venice has turned into a powerhouse, as have the Byzantines.I lost a decent portion of my main army trying to wrestle Bruges from the rebels. During the siege their poor quality spearmen clogged the streets and my men's morale was not enough to deal with their numbers. Its a battle I would have won on vanilla Medieval, but that is why this mod is so refreshing to play.

  • Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. Stainless Steel 6.1 Deus Lo Vult 5.7 Deus Lo Vult 6.0 HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 05 The Long Road 2.0 Lands to Conquer Gold DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode Das Heilige Romische Reich 06.
  • I tried my first mod on MTW2 (Stainless Steel) and have really enjoyed it thus far. I was looking at submods and found one that was really interesting (Teutonic Order has a Royal Family) but I can't seem to figure out where to download it.

Is this vanilla Stainless Steel or Real Recruitment? If it's the latter, good luck in holding the holy land early on if you're not based thereI play the RC/RR compilations, and I've had some awesome times. Teutons are actual buggers to play late campaign, as your units are so slow to recruit while your enemy has decent facilities for themselves. And you're surrounded. If you push into Lithania, you get the two Rus factions declaring war on you at the same time, so your big push is flanked on two sides.

It's ridiculously hard manoeuvring and conservation of troops while balancing a very small economy. Often I had no choice but to hole up in cities while Novgorodian armies walked freely through, and I had to send a slash and burn stack down to Kiev to occupy (read: sacrifice themselves to as dearly as possible) the Kieven armies massing around their capital.It took me until gunpowder to gain enough control of Lithuania to be able to launch a second attack, which is brilliant- a couple of bad battles and honestly I was on the ropes a few times. Urgh, I just looked at the table of contents at Byg's and screamed. At least I can still recruit in every castle without fiddling about.Best battle I've had was as Portugal I was against Aragon and was attempting to relieve a city.

Only problem was they had a rather huge army, while I had a half stack of similar quality, and the garrison was a 3/4 of militia (up to swords militia, but still). It was a really interesting battle field as well- I set up my lines so that crossbowmen could fire from some ruins above my left flank, which got charged by crusading knights, and I had to strategically disengage at one stage a few metres up a hill. Cavalry were also pinned back by having to constantly charge and retreat against the enemy cavalry that outnumbered them, and my infantry were groaning under the weight of numbers and quality when BAM goes the garrison, ploughing directly onto their unguarded flank. In goes the King, bye bye Aragonese!

The Crusader States are a very, very interesting faction to handle ( that would be the best way I can put it) in Stainless Steel. Within the first fifteen turns any work you put into your Jerusalemite territories or diplomatic negotiations with the Fatimids will be quickly undone by said Fatimid. Full stacks will fall in from the south and soon your small economy will buckle from the pressure of defending. From then on, you're more than likely going to have to live off of Nicosia's lands with your rabble.In spite of this, what made the Crusader States so interesting for me was the choice of play after this.

When I knew Jerusalem was about to fall, I fell to relations with the Sicilians using my Roman diplomat and, with proper retribution, managed to acquiesce Bari and turned that into my new economic base of operations.If there was one bonus that made the Crusader States so savoury, it was the upkeep levels of their religious foot infantry that rarely, if ever, went above the 150 marker. After exploiting the benefits of a cheap date, I soon rebuilt and created enclaves all around the Mediterranean (Cagliari, Palma, Tunisia, Rhodes, Athens, etc.). Also in tow was a fleet that could control the naval trade of any faction that dared to oppose me since the base in Bari allowed me to reel the Pope's actions with mortal temptations. The amount of turns that I needed to establish such a spread put me at the early half of the Renaissance but now I had the ability to meddle in the affairs of every faction bordering the Mediterranean.Loving that sheer flexibility, but I honestly believe that if one was looking for a real good challenge of their battle abilities, they would try a Crusader States campaign and actually attempt to hold the Holy Lands instead of the alternative route.

Stainless Steel Teutonic Order

Actually I checked my game settings and Real Recruitment is infact enabled. I must have gotten it mixed up with some of Byg’s settings.My England campaign has progressed a fair few turns, but I haven’t made considerable progress on the actual map. My Crusade fleet arrived one turn too late. The Genoans captured Jerusalem from the Fatimids before I could even unload my forces on the coastline.

Stainless Steel Teutonic Order Units

My young promising military general now sits on deck off the coast of Nicosia with no enemies to his numerous troops to fight. Not to mention I’m paying in full for them, including the expensive mercenary Templars, Gallogliach and Gwent Raiders I picked up. I don’t want to land and attack Adana for the sake of it with little chance of holding it in the long term. At the same time I don’t want to waste 10+ turns sailing back up to England, by which time I may have convinced the Pope to launch a second Crusade. What to do with an idle army so far from a relevant enemy?Much to my dismay Scotland is still sticking around in all of their original settlements. Everytime I engage their forces on the border the Pope slaps me with a ‘cease and desist’ and so I wait it out.

I ignored the last one however and took Edinburgh after an (almost lost) battle. I couldn’t sit around and let them continue to rebuild their forces else I’ll never be rid of them.So hand in hand, between my failed Crusade to appease the Pope whilst I kill the Scots, and my complete lack of actually killing the Scots I have achieved nothing over the past 20 turns except for conquering Ireland and defeating the French at Caen. You could always sail that army back towards Italy, move on the Scottish again and if the pope objects, use the crusaders to correct his view. That's probably an awful idea, but thought I'd mention it.I used one of the early stainless steel mods for a while and I did download and run 1.3 recently; but my computer is still in limbo following my house-move waiting for somewhere to be put and I whilst my wife has very kindly let me install retrofit on her laptop so I can continue the forum hotseat, I thought SS might be a step too far.I like the idea of Byr's complications, but I've never been brave enough to try them. I remember there being lots of campaign AI options and thought it quite odd that I couldn't see any option for having all of them at work - being assigned to factions at random at the beginning of the game.

That would have seemed to me to be quite a jolly twist, particularly given some of the versions uphold alliances and behave honourably and the others are untrustworthy - it could add personality.

FeaturesNew Unit Rosters for Novgorod and Kievan RusUsing the brilliant work of the Rusichi: Total War team, BftB2 features all new revised unit rosters for the two Rus factions. This means that the two rosters are more similar to each other but more unique in the context of the whole game. Because of Novgorod’s proximity to the west, its roster is geared towards heavy infantry and cavalry. Kievan Rus, being closer and more influenced by the peoples of the steppe, will tend towards infantry and mounted archers.

New late era armour upgrades for Ritterbruder:New Unit: Reysen KnightsThese are knights who have responded to the call to crusade against the pagans of the Baltic. With crusading in the Holy Land getting more and more difficult, it became more and more popular for knights and nobles to fulfill their crusading vows by fighting the enemies of christendom that were closer to home. While not members of the Teutonic Order, they would accompany the Order on it's reysen (raids) into Lithuania. The Order would sometimes even organise reysen especially for notable guests.New Unit: StrutereAlso known as latrunculi, these prussians were allowed to terrorize the lands of the Order's enemies. They murdered their foes in bath-houses, in bed or at feasts.

Because they knew all the secret paths through the dense Baltic forests, they often acted as guides for the Order's reysen (raids) into Lithuanian territory. The fear these marauders cause is almost palpable.Novgorod Republic Government TraitsHistorically, Novgorod was ruled by the Veche council. The Veche was an oligarchic body made up of the landed boyar nobles and the wealthy Novgorodian merchants. Often, the ruling Kynaz of Novgorod would be ejected from his position by the Veche and a new Kynaz would be invited to take his place.This is now implemented in Battle for the Baltic. Novgorod no longer has a family tree as it only rarely that a son would follow his father as Kynaz.

Each general now has a 'Veche Approval' trait that shows what the Veche thinks of him. If he performs well and does things the Veche like, his approval will improve. This gives him a greater chance of becoming the next Kynaz. Conversely, if the Veche do not approve of his actions, then there is every likelyhood that he will never be more than a general.

The Veche are mostly concerned with security of the Republic and trade. So winning battles, building trade buildings and lowering taxes will win the Veche's approval.


Stainless Steel Teutonic Order

Losing battles and setting high taxes will lose approval for that general.New Feature: Italian RepublicsNothing to do with the Baltic, but the republic government trait system used for Novgorod has been extended to include the other two historical republics in the game: Venice and Genoa. These two factions no longer have family trees and use authority to determine the next heir just like Novgorod.Updated Russian terrain and settlements in the main Stainless Steel campaignsThe Russian regions on the main SS campaign map have been updated to include more important cities (i.e. Vladimir, Rostov). The famous rivers of Russia are also more prominent now. There is also a new settlement south of Kiev, which no longer controls the land all the way to the Black Sea.

Stainless Steel Teutonic Order

2 turns per year timescale. Limited settlement development. Not all settlements on the map can grow to full size. Some will only ever be villages, others only towns. This has been done to limit the number of sieges and also so that the Baltic doesn’t become one huge sprawling metropolis.

Town square building. Every settlement on the map has a town square building. To the player it provides no bonuses but it gives the AI boosts to public order and religious conversion. This is so the AI’s settlements don’t rebel every 5 seconds and limits the flood of heretics/witches. Historical figures will come to help the Teutonic Order. Henry Bolingbroke, Jean Boucicaut and John of Bohemia will all lend their swords to the Order’s cause.

If they succeed in their missions, they will leave a sizeable donation to the Order. If their mission is a failure, their donation will be smaller or possibly even nothing. Lithuania will get counter missions to kill the crusading nobles. Novgorod now has to deal with Mongol tax collectors. Take the battle to the seas! AI factions now spawn fleets.Improved Hanseatic LeagueThe Hanseatic League is now a proper guild with three distinct levels like all guilds.

Stainless Steel Teutonic Order Guide

However unlike other guilds, the League buildings only become available after 1253 (the historical founding of the League).