Viking Conquest Custom Sails
In Swords & Sails, players control one of these factions in a bid to conquer Europe. Muster armies and assemble fleets, build more cities, make and break alliances, spy on your opponents, and go to war to conquer all of Europe. Players move armies consisting of six types of army combat units (Knights, Heavy Cavalry, Light Cavalry, Heavy Infantry, Light Infantry and Peasant troops) and fleets containing warships, Raider ships, and Transport units. Each season, brings the opportunity to build more units into your armies or fleets. Capture territories and build new cities to increase income. A unique combat system gives you the chance to line your troops up for battle and face off against your enemies.
This fourth part to the Campaign mode is a Tutorial on Sailing your ship! Also first impressions. Controls are like gears: But press BACKSPACE to zoom out (and back in) Up Arrow - Gears you up the.
Social Media Stretch Goals - Locked 1300 Total Likes 300 Additional signupsWhen we get the first of either goal above, we will add a Utility Excel Spreadsheet for players to manage their Armies and Fleets. This spreadsheet will work on Smart Phones and Tablets (and of course PCs).If we get both Social Media stretch goals, we will add functions such as calculate Damage rolls and other combat features.A later stretch goal will be to make this into a full blown App which will be able to calculate quick combat results battles between players, but will also require the social media stretch goals be unlocked first. Additional Levels To Be Announced. Swords & Sails was created to maximize 'FUN' game play while minimizing complexity in the rules. Even though there are allot of components, that is to allow for the full simulation of letting players have all the choices that a historical leader may have had in 1000 AD.
Several reviewers have called Swords&Sails a very good gateway Wargame as it represents the theme of a historic strategy game in a non-complex package with fairly simple mechanics.Players first choose their faction to play. Each faction has its own special rules to make it feel as you are playing that Kingdom or Empire. The full rules are available for download:Quick Synopsis:Swords & Sails is a game played in phases of a Game Season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter). All players do the phases at the same time. The phases include:.
Collect Income. Perform Espionage ( Intrigue Adv.
Rules). Perform Diplomacy. Write Orders. Move Armies and Fleets. Resolve all Battles. Build New Units and Cities.
Advance Season and TurnCollect IncomeThe money of the game is represented by Byzantium Coins. There are 4 denominations of coins, Gold, Silver, Copper, and Bronze.
Players earn more income by controlling territories and cities. The empire with the most gold is generally the most powerful. Perform EspionageEmpires enlist spies to gather information about enemy armies and fleets. Spies aren't cheap nor do they always get good information, but they were the only way to get intelligence on the other world powers.
Advanced rules, replace the Espionage Phase with the Intrigue Phase which includes Espionage as well as Political, Developmental, and Warfare based Intrigue.Perform DiplomacyThe enemy of my enemy is my friend. Why go it alone when you can get a little help from your friends. Diplomacy is a major aspect to the game of Swords & Sails. Be careful though as in real life not all Empires stick with their agreements. Play-testers have commented on the joy of a diplomatic game with the other options of a conquest, expansion, and economics.Write OrdersAll Players write their orders in secret and reveal their moves at the same time. This means essentially hidden, simultaneous movement. Players need to out guess what their opponents will do.
Especially when each player will have a maximum of Five Armies and 5 Fleets to move around on the map. Move Armies and FleetsArmies and fleets only move one space on the map. If players end up in the same territory, then a battle will occur. Armies can board and be transported by Fleets, if you have enough space in your ships. Watch out for the reach of the North Sea Empire, which can use its raider fleets to move a large army very quickly.Resolve all BattlesThe Swords & Sails battle system is an innovative method of simulating how historic medieval battles took place.
Players line up their units one at a time based on battle field superiority. Players can try to oppose unit types were they may have advantage (based on analysis of famous battles in history) if they have enough troops to maneuver. The battle system is very simply while giving a light impression of miniatures combat (without any miniatures required).

Many of the play testers have remarked on how they like the unique battle system.Build New Units and CitiesPlayers can build new units into their armies and fleets every season if they have the money to recruit new troops or build new ships. Historically armies in the medieval period were heavy in mercenaries coming from all over in Europe. Cities represent the basis of trade and economy in the game.

Viking Conquest Mods
Empires can build up the cities in any territory they control. Cities also add defensive capability in a territory, making it harder for your opponents to capture. Players can build minor cities and then in the next season upgrade them to major cities.Advance Season and TurnThe Season is advanced, income updated and scores are tallied at the end of each season.Winning the Game: Victory Points are earned based on income, number of allies, and number of conquered enemy capitals.
The smaller powers require fewer Victory Points than the larger players, giving England and France just as much chance to win as the large powers of Byzantium or the Holy Roman Empire. Games can be short, 40 victory points (2-3 hours), medium, 60 victory points (3-5 hours), or long, 90 victory points (5+ hours). When allied all allies either win together or loose together and must declare ally status during the diplomacy phase. Risks and challengesFirst I would like to thank all the people who have helped me create Swords&Sails. I could not have done this without you. This includes Quinten Stearns, Quentin Williams, Aurora Stearns, my wife Amber, and a whole slew of friends (which will be listed in all the credits).We have been developing this game over the past 6 years and it's our second KickStarter project.
The first project was the swords&Sails Historic Byzantine Coins. The risks have been minimized by learning the manufacturing, shipping, and fulfillment process with the coins campaign.
We have found the best manufacturing and fulfillment companies to partner with for the Swords&Sails game. We will be using Quarter Master Logistics in the U.S. (a CoolStuffInc company) and Games Quest for the EU to complete world wide shipping.This is a huge game with a huge map and with lots of components which has a much higher than average cost to make. So to help make this goal, everyone needs to spread the word about this game and get all your friends to back.
Select this pledge level if you are interested in any addons but without the game. Pledge any amount in combinations of the 2, 4, 0r 7 Player Paks of Historical Metal coins or for the cost of the Extra Large Player Mat.$29 - 2 Player Pak of Coins (6 gold, 10 silver, 10 copper, and 14 bronze).$45 - 4 Player Pak (12 Gold, 20 Silver, 20 Copper, 28 Bronze)$78 - 7 Player Pak (21 Gold, 35 Silver, 35 Copper, 49 Bronze)$55 - Extra Large play mat 48' x 36' (rolled up Map) shipped separately.You must add up the cost of the rewards listed above that you would like and this amount will carry over to the pledgemanager before shipping.
Notice shipping costs will be added on in the Pledge Manager step.