
Demonbuddy Reduce Portal Lvl

Contents.Introduction Level 10 NPC is primarily taken for the level 10 buildings it has. Those 37 x lvl 10 farms (+ 3 x lvl 9) when coupled with 10 x lvl 10 lakes plus a decent Politics Hero, like say 120Politics will provide a food production of about 1.5m per hour.Prerequisites 1. Troops This depends upon two factors -1. Proximity of your target level 10 NPC from your attacking city(-ies)2. Method you are able to choose for this process.i.

Experience to level by level (Pre-Squish) This table shows the character's current level and the amount of XP required to advance to the next level (e.g. '22: 19,200' means that if you are level 22, you need a total of 19,200 XP to advance to level 23). This is a compilation of the tables below with all current values. Oct 5, 2015 - Pretty soon all epics in lower level raids/dungeons will be worth crap. With the recent demonbuddy banwave they didnt just ban someone as. By contrast, some transparent blocks such as glass and iron bars have no effect on light level. All other transparent blocks reduce the spread of light. Leaves and cobwebs do not have any extra effect on block light, but they do diffuse sky light. This means that below these blocks, the sky light level decreases by 1 for each block of distance downward, starting at the obstruction.

Demonbuddy Reduce Portal Lvl

Single City Method - 180,000 Archers & 150,000 Warriors 6-10 Heroes Time taken: about 60 - 90 minutes(from Hit#1)ii. Multiple City Method - 140,000 Archers & 320,000 Warriors 40 Heroes approx.

Time taken 1 - 2 minutes from Hit#1First wave, aka Spearhead, or break(er) wave should take down the fortifications and troops inside it. Some fortifications might still remain and regeneration will be higher initially. Second and third waves should be slightly bigger than the rest.

Honorbuddy Reborn

After that you come to the loyalty waves, which are designed to have enough troops to keep on winning over the regenerated troops and defenses, in order to take loyalty down to 0. Once it is at 0 you have captured the city and it is yours.2. Extra Town Slot This is quite obvious, however if you want to do this exercise while you are a Marquis or Duke and that you don’t have an extra town slot, you might depend on your attacks for the medal drops and thereby you await your next title during the course of action. This is absolutely fine as long as you need about 4 justice medals and 4 nation medals.

If you need more, then you must be prepared with a few additional troops to prolong the attacking sequence. This is called farming for medals.3. Penicillin, Corselet & War Horn For a first timer, these can be of great help, otherwise you must be prepared for the losses. Good Attack Hero can compensate for corselet and horn but penicillin has its impact in reducing losses.4.

Scouting Heroes inside the NPC Whenever you scout the NPC, the Hero inside it changes. Keep doing this until you find a Hero with level less than 5 or so. He can still have an attack of about 80 or more which we are not so sure of. However, the point is we all expect a low level Hero to be weaker than a higher level Hero. As soon as you see a hero like this, stop scouting immediatels, otherwise it will change again. At the end of scouting, you can launch your attack.

This hero will remain the same throughout the whole process.5. Technology Levels Archery Must be Level 10.MT, Medicine & IW should at least be level 9.

Additionally, Compass level 9 is prefered if to reduce losses on the first wave.6. Heroes to be sent Get ready with the heroes to be sent. All should have ATT greater than 100 or so. Based on the no.

Demonbuddy reduce portal lvl 2

Of waves to be maintained in action, you will need about 5 to 10 heroes. If the hero for spearhead has an attack of 150, it's fair enough to reduce losses. As per Method#1, 6-10 Heroes will be needed.

As per Method#2, 40+ heroes will be needed.7. Buildings Rally point – This building should be of level 9 min.(lvl 10 serves the best). For those who aren’t aware of, a level of Rally Point adds up 10,000 troops to be sent in a single wave. It also lets you send one more wave at the same time per level, so a level 1 rally spot can only send 1 wave, while a level 10 rally spot can send 10 waves at the same time.

This is important for taking cities, as you want to send your loyalty waves as quickly as possible so that they dont have to fight as many regenerated troops.Feasting Hall – For a similar reason as above(in this case the no. Of heroes engaged), this needs to be of level 9(min.) to make the best use of it.Note: If you attack an NPC in next tile of distance 1 mile, you will probably end up in a round trip of about 7 minutes.

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Since 1 minute is a nice gap to be maintained, you will need 7 waves in action to keep it going. However, if the distance is 3 miles or more, the round trip will be mostly 16 minutes or more and hence you need to space out wider which means you take more losses.

It is recommended to have your NPC 10 as close as possible, definitely not more than 20 minutes, because it takes too long for the troops to return.8. War Ensign(Optional) This is an item which can be applied by ticking the small checkbox located in the top left of Marching Window. This will include as much as 25% additional troops to be deployed out of a single wave, so this finds its use in the Spearhead wave to take minimal losses. From the next wave onwards, don’t forget to un-tick it, else you keep losing this item unnecessarily. If you have only lvl 9 Rally Point, then this will prove to be of great use for the spearhead wave.Some Basics 1. Wave composition a.

Single City Method –The NPC should be on next tile, ideally. If it's more than 3 miles away, then this method will have huge losses.Spearhead - 90,000125,000 archers(approx.) (based on your Rally Point level and whether you have applied war ensign or not)+hero 120+ attack, compass 9: 97k archers 1k pikemen, 1k swordsmen, 1k warriors (10k archer losses + rainbow)hero 150+ attack, compass 10:93k archers 3k workers 3k warriors.

(22k archer losses+rainbow). Th higher the hero's attack level, the lower the losses: 250 att gives 5k loss in archers, 60% of scouts and 100% rest of rainbow.Note: Before Spearhead, a few waves of warriors can be sent but that doesnt give a big impact esp. Due to the high initial regen.Wave 2 - 3 –20,000 archers +20,000 warriors +Rainbow(optional)After Wave 3, –8,000 archers + Rainbow(optional)or10,000 warriors + Rainbow(optional)Rainbow(optional)b.

Multiple City MethodSpearhead - 90,000125,000 archers(approx.) (based on your Rally Point level and whether you have applied war ensign or not)+hero 120+ attack, compass 9: 97k archers 1k pikemen, 1k swordsmen, 1k warriors (10k archer losses + rainbow)hero 150+ attack, compass 10:93k archers 3k workers 3k warriors. (22k archer losses+rainbow)Wave 2 - 3 –20,000 archers +20,000 warriors +Rainbow(optional)After Wave 3, –8,000 archers + Rainbow(optional)or10,000 warriors + Rainbow(optional)Rainbow(optional)Detailed Explanation of method #2 can be found, thanks to arislan1999Note: Ballistae enter battle only at about 32nd round whereas the spearhead wave will be over at 14 rounds. I, myself had them included which I realised as plain stupidity. Do not add ballistae to this process, ever.2. Medals drop / Wave timings balance Medals drop only when a good number of troops are killed.

The spearhead wave usually gets a medal (where you slaughter 400,000 warriors). In the subsequent waves, only fortifications regenerate, so you may not get medals.

Troops regenerate as 40,000 warriors once in about 6 minutes where you can expect a medal drop. If you look out for more medal drops, you would like to prolong the process, so you can maintain the wave gap as 2 minutes or so. Otherwise, it can be as less as that can be sustained. 4 Justice and 4 Nation medals are quite normal to be set as minimum expectations.Note: Method#1 is apt for medal hunt. Method#2 is for advanced players and for long distance captures.3.

Loyalty reduction The starting value is 91 at the level 10 NPC. It loses 3-4 per successful attack(depends on the wave compostion) till the value goes down to 60 and thereafter it loses 2-3 per attack, totalling to 40 attacks.4. Level up Heroes when they return When a wave returns, don’t rush to send them back again. Check out the timings of the wave that has just marched out, level up the Hero who has just returned and then send the next wave. Attacking level 10 NPCs is a great way to level up heroes quickly, because it gives a lot of experience for the heroes.Note that Level 10 npc's will most LIKELY have this scout report when never attacked.(Please use EvonyURL Report, normal reports expire.)Cavalry Capture Example: 9 March 2018 - Server ss83Using Cavalry Attacks is a bit more 'expensive', but the capture is much, much quicker. The 1st & 2nd 'wave' attacks were started from a different further city (but this is not necessary). The first three attacks were 'timed' to within 15 seconds of each other.

Subsequent Cavalry Attacks were started as quickly as possible. ALL Cavalry Attacks were from the NEAREST city to minimize Warrior Re-Spawn. The first four attacks used the best attack heroes in descending order.In this example the target NPC 10 was 1 mile away from the Cavalry Attack city. The entire capture will be over in about 5 minutes (provided you timed your 'wave' attacks correctly). However, it would be best to set aside at least an hour of time for set-up, deploy the initial attacks, and start the NPC 10 rebuilding process.What to start with: One open city slot Two Cities - It is not necessary to have 2 cities, all these attacks can be done from one city. In this example the target NPC 10 was 1 mile away from city #1 (Cavalry/Scout), 7 miles away from city #2 ('waves') Worker: 3,000 Warrior: 3,000 Scout: 80,000 Pikemen: 3,000 Swordsmen: 3,000 Archer: 135,000 Cavalry: 130,000 - the further away from your target you are, the more Cavalry you will want/need.

Honorbuddy is a World of Warcraft PVP, Leveling and Questing Bot. Honorbuddy is as easy to setup as ABC.With Honorbuddy you can use random battlegrounds as well as choose individual ones such as Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, Strand of the Ancients, Isle of Conquest, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm. In IoC and SotA it uses the portals correctly making it as human like as possible. Missing building textures fallout 4.

Leveling 1 – 80, mostly done by 1 click from 1-60, 60-70, 70-80. Skinning 1 – 450, Mining 1 – 300, Herbalism 1 – 300 (both 450 with GB). Open source combat classes – fine build in ones as well as user made ones. Fully unique Navigation System.

Demonbuddy Review

Vendor and Mail on full Inventory. Open Source Plugin System (Plugins to train, use taxi, sell stuff on the auction house)+ Added ‘Dark Iron Deposit’ to the list of minerals.+ HB now logs all unhandled exception crashes into the LogsCrashes folder. This makes it much easier to figure out causes of crashes and solve problems. The newest crash file should be included with a bug report.+ HB now creates a folder called Settings in the root directory and saves all.xml files there to make it abit more tidy. (move all your settings files there if you don’t want to redo them)+ HB can now ress at spirit healers, set it in the levelbot options.

False by default+ the Vendor class now has a new ctor, eg; ‘Vendor sellVendor = new Vendor(me.CurrentTarget);’+ UseItem tag pretty much rewritten!