
Hearts Of Iron 4 Fascist America

Hearts of Iron 4 - Fascist USA AXIS; Hearts of Iron 4 - Fascist USA AXIS; Hearts of Iron 4 - Fascist USA AXIS; All Nations Populist! Hearts of Iron.

American national focus tree. Clicking on the branches leads to the appropriate section.The American national focus tree can be divided into 4 branches and 3 Sub-Branches:Continue the New Deal/ Reestablish the Gold Standard Branch This branch allows the United States to remove the effects of the Great Depression, increase research, change political leanings or increase production. The closer the focus is to the edge of the branch, the more or the focus is while the closer to the center, the more the focus. Suspend the Persecution Sub-branch The sub-branch. It focuses around changing the political party to under threat of Civil War, allying with other Communist Factions and decolonizing the Pacific.

America First Sub-branch The sub-branch. It focuses around changing the political party to under threat of Civil War, Honoring the and gaining war goals against other American countries and Faction Leaders. War Plans Division Branch This Branch mainly gives the the United States decisions that give attack and defense bonuses against certain countries.

War Department Branch This Branch gives technology research boosts for the Army and the Airforce. Two Ocean Navy Act Sub-branch This Branch gives technology research boosts and production cost modifiers for the Navy. Political branch of the.Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.FocusPrerequisitesEffectsDescriptionContinue the New DealUnited States:. does not have the focus Reestablish the Gold Standard.

Current ruling party isUnited States:.: +150The policies of the New Deal have proven to work. We must not lose our way now.Reestablish the Gold StandardUnited States:. does not have the focus Continue the New Deal. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is not the current country leader. Current ruling party isUnited States gets the. Consumer Goods Factories: 5%.: +10.00%.

Up to 4 Senators and 20 Representatives go into oppositionWithout the Gold Standard, money exists as little more than an article of faith, while rampant inflation eats away our people's savings and devalues their work. We must abandon this fiscally irresponsible path.WPAUnited States:. has the focus Continue the New Deal.United States:.: +150Millions of people are still suffering the unemployment resulting from the Great Depression. An agency to put these people to work on public projects may not fully solve the problem, but the Work Progress Administration is a step in the right direction.Agricultural Adjustment ActUnited States:. Has the focus WPA.

Requires the support of at least 49 Senators and 218 Representatives. Current ruling party is. Effective Change:. Daily cost: -0.40. Resource Gain Efficiency: +5.00%. Factor: +20%. Consumer Goods Factories: -7%.

loses the. After this law is passed, it will take 230 days untilfurther New Deal legislation is drafted and ready tobe signed. Up to 8 Senators and 40 Representatives go into opposition. Unlocks decision: Pay Farm Subsidies.

When Decision is removed:. Up to 5 Senators and 25 Representatives will Support the Government.Our farmers have been particularly hard-hit by the depression. We must ensure that the people who produce our food are not driven out of business by an unchecked market.Fair Labor Standards ActUnited States:. Has the focus Agricultural Adjustment Act.

Requires the support of at least 49 Senators and 218 Representatives. Current ruling party is. Not: New Legislation is still being drafted. Effective Change:.

Daily cost: -0.40. Resource Gain Efficiency: +5.00%. Factor: +20%. Consumer Goods Factories: -7%. loses the. After this law is passed, it will take 230 days untilfurther New Deal legislation is drafted and ready tobe signed. Up to 8 Senators and 40 Representatives go into oppositionWith the first signs of a slow recovery taking place, it is time to ensure that the workers get to participate in it.

We must ban exploitative practices such as unpaid overtime and introduce a liveable minimum wage.Federal Housing ActUnited States:. Has the focus Fair Labor Standards Act. Requires the support of at least 49 Senators and 218 Representatives. Current ruling party is. Not: New Legislation is still being draftedUnited States:. Reduces the effect of the Great Depression.

Hoi4 Fascist Usa Man The Guns

Replace with. One of the following must be true:. Is at war with. Is at war with. Is at war withUnited States:. Unlocks Intervention Mandate Decisions. Intervention Mandates allow us to request Congress to authorize military action against another country.The Great Powers of Europe are once more poised to plunge the world into a world war.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Fascist America

We can not, as we did before, wait until it affects us. We must be ready to intervene decisively should any nation in Europe threaten the peace.Office of Strategic ServicesUnited States:.

has the focus Focus on Europe.United States gets the. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a United States Intelligence agency formed during World War II. It was the wartime intelligence agency, and a predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency CIA).Forming a dedicated intelligence agency will not only aid the war, but future operations abroad. British intelligence services can serve as a model.Focus on AsiaUnited States:.


has the focus War Propaganda. does not have the focus Focus on Europe. All of the following must be true:. At peace with. At peace withUnited States:. Unlocks Intervention Mandate Decisions. Intervention Mandates allow us to request Congress to authorize military action against another country.While most people look with worry towards Europe, we also face uncertainty and instability across the Pacific.

It might be in our best interest to intervene abroad before we attacked closer to home.MAGICUnited States:. has the focus Focus on Asia.United States gets the. The Navy thinks it can break the Japanese encryption codes, which would allow us to read all of their message traffic, including ship movements.The Navy thinks it can break the Japanese encryption codes, which would allow us to read all of their message traffic, including ship movements.Black Chamber OperationUnited States has the focus:. Office of Strategic Services or MAGIC.United States:. 2x 100% Research bonus for: Encryption methods and Decryption methodsWe have information of political activities in a number of American countries that does not align with our interests. Fortunately we have established a underground propaganda network and are ready to push these countries in our direction.

The large democracies of the world are under assault. If they lose the battle, it is only a question of time before war comes to our shores.

We must do what we can to support them - even if they can not pay for the equipment immediately. If is over 60% and not at war:. Up to 5 Senators and 25 Representatives will support the Government.


If is over 40% and not at war:. Up to 4 Senators and 20 Representatives go into opposition. If is under 40% and not at war:. Up to 25 Senators and 100 Representatives go into opposition. Otherwise:. Up to 8 Senators and 40 Representatives go into oppositionThe large democracies of the world are under assault.

If they lose the battle, it is only a question of time before war comes to our shores. It seems increasingly certain that war will break out in Europe.

During the Great War, American companies sold large quantites of weapons to the Allies, and many believe that the American entry was mostly motivated by a desire to ensure that those deliveries would be paid for. This time, there won't be any war-profiteering. Gain base: -5.00%. If is less than 40%:. Up to 5 Senators and 25 Representatives will support the Government. Passing the Neutrality act will Drasticly sic Increase the requirements to pass the Lend Lease ActIt seems increasingly certain that war will break out in Europe. During the Great War, American companies sold large quantites of weapons to the Allies, and many believe that the American entry was mostly motivated by a desire to ensure that those deliveries would be paid for.

This time, there won't be any war-profiteering.Arsenal of DemocracyUnited States:. has the focus Neutrality Act. More than 95% support for party. Not enough building slots for.

Not enough building slots forUnited States:.: +50.: +50.: +10. 2 Random Owned Controlled Cored States:. Add 3. Add 3. 2 Random Owned Controlled Cored States:. Add 3.

Add 3Regardless of whether or not we choose to intervene directly in a war, democratic nations must know that we will arm and support them.The Giant WakesUnited States:. has the focus Arsenal of Democracy. One of the following must be true:. At War. More than 30%. More than 95% support for party.

Has theUnited States:. If has economy law: or:. Change economy law to which grants:. Consumer Goods Factories: 35%.

to conversion cost: +30.00%. to conversion cost: +30.00%. Fuel Gain per oil: -40.00%. Fuel Capacity: -25.00%. construction speed: -30.00%. construction speed: -30.00%. Otherwise:.

Add: +100Nations turn to us to protect the values of democracy and liberty. The world where non-interventionist America was born no longer exists and we must adapt accordingly.Wartime IndustryUnited States:. has the focus The Giant Wakes. More than 95% support for partyUnited States gets the. To conversion cost: -50.00%. Available as Design Company:. General Motors:.

Industrial Research Speed: +15%. Industrial Concern, Factory Output: +5.00%We have a strong industry, but not all of it is well adapted for production of war materials.