Kosakata Bahasa Arab Bergambar Pdf
Kamus Bergambar Bahasa Arab Pdf Download - shorl.com/satysatirabri. السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ (Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb) وَعَلَيْكُمْ السَّلاَمُ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُ هُ (Wa ‘.
AbstractAbstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the process and learning outcomes using pictorial word card media can enhance vocabulary mastery of Arabic (mufradat) students in grade I MI Nurul Hakim Kediri West Lombok in 2015 with research subjects are 19 students. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data.
Qualitative data analysis is used to collect data through field notes, observation sheet, interview notes, and notes dokumentasi.Analisis quantitative data used to determine the percentage increase in the mastery of Arabic vocabulary (mufradat) after the action using the word picture card media. The results showed an increase in students' mastery of Arabic vocabulary using word picture card media. In the first cycle, obtained an increase of 52.17% and increased to 81.56% in the second cycle. Based on the quantitative data that is reinforced by the findings of qualitative data that use the media card can increase the procurement of said picture koasakata Arabic (mufradat).Keywords: Mastery of Arabic Vocabularies, Picture Cards, Action Research.
Kamus Bahasa Arab
AbstractIn fact, vocabulary cannot be separated from language learning. It was neglected in language teaching programs in order to help the learners understand the language effectively. Nowadays, many researchers have realized that vocabulary is an important part of language learning and teaching. The purpose of the study were to introduce the technique called “Mnemonic” to Arabic student learners in college. The aim also to explore their creativities during the class by this method in terms of short-term and long-term retention. Students of Arabic learning program, however, reported to frustrate when they face with new words, since they have difficulty retaining them. This mnemonics devices can be used to solve this problem and to improve their Arabic vocabulary learning, Many kinds of mnemonic can be used to help the learners, there are story method, keyword method, and imagery link.
Kosakata Bahasa Arab Bergambar Pdf Download
The kinds of mnemonic are undeniably an effective method for accelerating learning of Arabic vocabularies because it improves immediate recall. Beside aid the memory for memorizing vocabularies, this mnemonic also makes the Arabic learning process enjoy and the other words mnemonic is a fun method of learning which makes the retrieval process easier by bridging the meaning of words with related the brain hemisphere both right and left brain. Here we will consider the usefull of the method and how to apply it.