
How Much Is A Tec 9

  1. Pre Ban Tec 9 Value

Enter the 9mm Kel-Tec PF-9. Introduced in 2006, the PF-9 is a semi-automatic, double-action-only, locked-breech pistol chambered in that archetype of ubiquity, the 9mm Luger (or 9mm Parabellum, or 9 X 19, etc.). Kel-Tec PF-9. It is small and weighs 12 ounces, shoots 9 mm bullets, and it feels like you might as well be squeezing off.45s. Cara download permainan perang untuk laptop. The recoil on this thing is a brute. It is specifically designed to be a concealed carry piece, and they got that part right, but it is also where the problem is. Being so small, I find it barely fits into my hand.

11/29/09- There are a number of misconceptions represented here.First, the gun you're asking about is a TEC-9, also sold as theKG-9. It is a semi-automatic pistol firing one 9mm round with eachpull of the trigger. It is not a rifle or a 'machinegun', asdefined by the National Firearms Act of 1934. It has a barrellength of approximately three to five inches and feeds from adetachable box magazine that mounts in front of the trigger guard,giving it the look of a very short sub-machinegun (Afully-automatic weapon firing handgun ammunition).The TEC-9 was manufactured and sold in the US from the mid1980's until 1994 when it was listed by name on the Clinton'Assault weapons' ban. It was a cheaply made, highly unreliable andtotally inaccurate gun that looked much more dangerous then it was.It was two to three times the size and weight of quality madefirearms of the same caliber such as the Berretta 92, Glock 17, orSmith and Wesson 5906. A new variant, the AB-10, was offered as a'List beater' until the manufacturer went out of business in2001.It is reputed that the TEC-9 was easily converted to illegalfully-automatic (sub-machinegun), but I find this to beunsubstantiated.


Pre Ban Tec 9 Value

The thing would barely work as designed; I doubtit could have fired more than two or three rounds after such aconversion. It has made numerous appearances in movies andtelevision, mostly because of their 'evil' looks, and because prophouses could buy them cheap and make them work with blanks morereadily than with live ammo.Why would somebody ask, 'How much for a gun?'

Why did you not ask, 'How much does something that could benifitsomebody cost?' We live in a world of violence, and here you are asking how muchfor a Tech 9. I can truly imagine you sitting at a computersomewhere asking how much this costs, when you could be doingsomething else with your life.-How about you answer his question instead of making fun of himand lecturing him about violence.

Oh, I fixed your grammar andspelling as well.Not sure about new, or anywhere inparticular.Sadly the only one I've seen was in a pawn shop, forabout $350 but really anywhere from $50 to $5,000.